
Showing posts with the label couples goal

Are You In Love Or Obsessed?

  It should be obvious that there are basic differences between being in love or just obsessed. Sadly, that’s not always the case. Many people find themselves in relationships that they feel are loving when, in reality, it’s an unhealthy obsession. Even when these people are faced with the facts, they often refuse to admit that they’re more obsessed than in love. In fact, you may be one of those people who is obsessed, rather than in love. So if you haven’t gone completely round the bend, following are some signs that you may be obsessed rather than in love: You flake on responsibilities because of a chance that you’ll have of running into the object of your obsession. This includes missing work, school or other important appointments because they said they MIGHT call you, or there’s the off chance that if you stay in a certain location long enough, they’ll come in. When you miss commitments just because of your obsession, you’re only going to be sorry later in life when you don’t ...

Do Not Let Romantic Love Die

  Relationships based on love have many stages. The phase of romantic love does not last long. It is the most pleasant phase of the relationship and unfortunately, it passes very soon. The joy is short lived. After this phase comes the phase of mature understanding that may lead to a lot of bickering and split amongst many. Why allow that phase to come at all. Or why let romantic love die at all? Can we not continue that phase forever? Let us find out. In the phase of romantic love, the lovers feel very passionate about each other. They want to be together. They want to make each other happy. Their only objective is to enjoy the romance, send love notes to each other and enjoy the bliss of romance. After sometime, this phase passes away because of ego, relationship misunderstandings, expectations and other life problems that become more prominent. Can we not stretch romantic love forever? Experience says that it is not possible, but some exceptions are there. Why not follow the exc...

Best Ways To Impress Your New Lover

    If you want to know how to impress your date, and develop a successful relationship, read on! Be polite! As they always say, politeness doesn't cost anything. Any lover likes to be treated with respect and appreciation by their new flame. Politeness is an easy, socially  acceptable way to show respect and interest. It is also a very straight laced way of wooing  someone, but wooing it still is, and it might work wonders. Politeness still has the air of old  fashioned chivalry and romantic  liaisons and who can resist being treated like the queen of  someone's world? Be flirtatious. This is the part where you can show your passionate, playful and maybe slightly devious side. Flirtation is fun, exciting and sexy. You can show that you have some  sharper edges so that you don't end up in the 'boring lover' category. Falling in love is about  excitement, taking risks and playing with fire. Flirtation is a good way to show your darker side. ...

5 Special Ways to Show Love To Your Partner

There are many ways to express love to your partner other than quoting the actual words "I Love You." Usually the fire in relationships dies down after a while and the feeling of your heart pounding with the excitement of being with your significant other is not felt nearly as often, or even at all. So, how do we get back that love, passion and warm feeling that wraps around us and penetrates our thoughts in the beginning of a relationship? Many say actions speak louder than words so below I have listed 5 secrets to help you show your partner how much you truly love them:  Flirt- This is a light-hearted seduction with the intent of conveying love! Why not send a sexy text message or email while you are at work? This reminds the other person that you are thinking about him or her. It also increases the intensity of love so that you actually look forward to seeing each other when you return home from work.  Candles- Light a few candles and enjoy quality time at home. Food- I...

10 Ways To Show Love In a Busy Season Of Life

Do you ever feel like you catch up with your partner infrequently, often late at night when you’re too tired to speak?  Or when your timetables happen to collide?  There are work dinners, school outings, sporting practice, dinners with friends, homework to supervise, household chores and so the list goes on.  Do you feel like you need to make a date night just to spend some one on one time with your other half?  Time when you’re not sleeping?  If this sounds like you then I'm sure you will enjoy these tips for keeping each other close at heart, even if you can't always be as physically close as you'd like.   It's all about communicating and sharing the little things that make up our lives.  Here are ten easy ways to make your feelings known:  Birthday Love Letter- There is something powerful about a letter.  Writing down all the things that you love about the other person and then giving it to them is a very personal and thoughtful thing to ...

Setting Regular Date Nights

A good portion of the enjoyment of a pleasant date is in anticipation. We have a date for Friday night and we think about it throughout the week. We think about what we will wear, where we'll go, what we'll eat, what we'll say and do. We plan on how long it will take to get ready and whether we'll need to leave work a few minutes early. When we enter a relationship, we stop dating. We see each other, of course, much more than we did in our dating days. At the onset of living together, we still have that sense of anticipation before seeing that beloved face. We hurry home to the most important person in our little world. After years together, we become used to the routine. We may enjoy seeing our significant other as much as ever but the exhilarating anticipation has become normalized. We have become habituated to the lives together we have created. We need to start dating again. We need to create special events that we can look forward to with keen relish. Think about w...

Scheduling Time For Your Relationship

  Scheduling Time For Your Relationship Ask anyone in a committed long-term union for the secret of their success. Almost always, one of the top three reasons cited is the ability to laugh together. No matter how big the problems, or how many the obstacles, they will be most effectively approached with a sense of humor and the teamwork that emerges from shared laughter and a mutually positive outlook. While some fun costs money: an amusement park, a fine meal out, a trip to Vegas, or that hilarious new movie, there are many fun activities that don't cost a dime. Give your partner the gift or being a slave for a week, including the requisite master or mistress verbiage, pulling your forelock, bowing or curtseying, and backing out of the room. The results can be very funny, especially if carried into public or in front of the kids. Both of you call in sick to work and play hooky - hang out at the mall like truant high school sophomores. Spend some time coming up with tota...