
Showing posts from 2025

Are You In Love Or Obsessed?

  It should be obvious that there are basic differences between being in love or just obsessed. Sadly, that’s not always the case. Many people find themselves in relationships that they feel are loving when, in reality, it’s an unhealthy obsession. Even when these people are faced with the facts, they often refuse to admit that they’re more obsessed than in love. In fact, you may be one of those people who is obsessed, rather than in love. So if you haven’t gone completely round the bend, following are some signs that you may be obsessed rather than in love: You flake on responsibilities because of a chance that you’ll have of running into the object of your obsession. This includes missing work, school or other important appointments because they said they MIGHT call you, or there’s the off chance that if you stay in a certain location long enough, they’ll come in. When you miss commitments just because of your obsession, you’re only going to be sorry later in life when you don’t ...