
Showing posts from 2022

Relationship Advice You Don’t Want to Miss

  Relationship Advice You Don’t Want to Miss Contrary to most conventional wisdom, it's not your looks, your money, your job or even your luck, that's going to land you that great relationship, and keep it sizzling. No, the secret is all in your attitude.   Here are Six Essential Secrets For "Flowing" Relationships Stop competing with each other! Good relationships are all about being on the same side. What's the purpose in scoring all those points? Sure you may cross the finish line first today, and maybe tomorrow as well. But you'll be all alone when you do, and if you carry on this way, eventually you may not have anyone left in your life to compete with! So stop competing; stop player-hating; start concentrating on crossing that finish line as part of a winning team. Listen, communicate and hear! One of my favorite parts of my great relationship period is to sit and chat with my wife. We talk about big stuff, and small stuff; share plans and pains, and e...

Walls Of Communication

  Walls Of Communication Matters of the heart are a true mystery to all involved. In order to make a commitment to a relationship, it takes strength and trust in another. When we trust our partner and we receive trust back, it is a very nice feeling. One should never betray or play games with that trust. Those games usually get caught, and a broken trust will surely create a huge wall of communication breakdown. When you truly trust another, you are opening your heart and mind to an outsider. You are at this time very vulnerable for just about any kind of emotional attack. Confusion and misunderstandings are amongst those emotions now. This is why communication is so important. It is the key to opening all those doors. Without it, the doors will remain locked and one will have to work very hard to break through. It is much more productive to just talk, listen, and understand your partner. I am not saying that this will be easy, but with love in your heart, it can be done. The end r...

Communication Is Vital For A Healthy Relationship

  Communication Is Vital For A Healthy Relationship When people are told that they need to communicate more they often think that that is an open invitation to talk but there is a complete difference between talking and communicating. Communicating is an art of combining the ability to express your opinions and feelings in such a way as to ensure that the person or people you are talking to understand what you are trying to say with the ability to listen and understand another person’s point of view.  Over the years it’s amazing the number of times people are provided with information that, if they acted upon, could totally alter a relationship, career or the success of a business. But, because of the sheer lack of people's ability to listen to and think through another person's point of view, unique opportunities pass them by. Relationships are no different to the work environment other than there are, usually, just two of you. Often, what could be a marriage made in heaven i...

Keep The Love Alive In Your Relationship

  Keep The Love Alive In Your Relationship Some believe that romance should just come naturally, and if it doesn’t, or if the original closeness that existed in a relationship starts to subside, it means that something is wrong. Nothing is further from the truth. Keeping love alive requires time, attention and the willingness to keep things fresh and learn how to constantly reconnect. Here are some steps that will help us reconnect with our partners, and keep the love alive.  Give up dead routines - After the initial excitement of being together is over, many fall into a routine and begin taking one another for granted. They assume they know what their partner is feeling, that it doesn't matter if they come late for a date, don’t look as good as they used to, or decide to spend more and more time out with friends. However, it is crucial to realize that there are many small ways in which we sabotage relationships. Unless two people feel cared for and valued by one another, it...

How To Develop Great Relationships Over A Lifetime

    Develop Great Relationships Over A Lifetime Relationships begin since we were born on this planet. It is not a couple relation that I mention. Actually, it is a relationship at birth with our mothers and our family members. An important part of life depends on how we develop our relationships with others. Perhaps, if we consider examples of this development, a better understanding will enable us to think more clearly before we interact with others. In sport, a team requires close relationships to build a winning team. How far would the space programs have gotten without close working relationships? Would we marry without an excellent relationship with our partner?  When mature, many relate an emptiness that is often difficult to understand or comprehend if a relationship has not been established with our creator. This personal relationship will fill a void that no other can fill. This is the most important relationship of all in every life, for complete fulfillment an...


    Improve Your Relationships By Loving Yourself Many of us, especially women, tend to put other's needs before our own. We neglect ourselves and eventually resent those who have been on the receiving end of our love and attention. What we fail to realize is the importance of putting ourselves first. No, it is not selfish. In fact, it ís impossible to meet the needs of others effectively without first being balanced in our own lives. Loving yourself will not only prove to be a positive experience, but it will improve your relationships with others as well. If we go through our days neglecting our basic needs, we will become very quickly drained of our energy, too exhausted to spend any time on ourselves. When we realize that our own needs are not being met, we become resentful and ultimately withdraw the help and support we so freely offered to others before. However, by focusing on putting ourselves first, we can regain that lost energy, which will give us endless vitality t...

Can You Be More Patient In Your Relationship?

    Can You Be More Patient In Your Relationship? Webster's Dictionary defines being patient as bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint, or being steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity. I believe this is why patience is called a virtue.  It is little practiced but much needed.  At the first sign of difficulty, many jump to an easier, smoother path, hoping to avoid the pain and suffering that is necessary on the road to personal growth.  But it is only by taking this rough road do we gain the experience necessary to develop our character.  Impatience robs us of these types of life experiences.   How would your world be different if you practiced more patience? Patience is the ability to hang on when everyone else has given up.  Patience is the ability to release your need for immediate gratification and wait for things to come in their own time frame.  Patience overcomes criticism and intolerance.  Patience dev...

How To Keep The Flames Burning In A Relationship

  Keep The Flames Burning In A Relationship Creating Intimacy to Keep the Flame Burning It is true that intimacy and relationship are two very different words. They have different meanings and present totally different concepts. The tie that binds them to each other, however, is the fact that a relationship needs intimacy to survive. Intimacy is the substance which enables the people involved in a relationship to enjoy each other all the more. Intimacy is defined as the condition of being private or personal. This encompasses everything that involves close association or familiarity. Two people are intimate when they are able to share with each other the innermost and most essential parts of themselves without any kind of inhibition. It is only through creating intimacy that two people are able to know each other through and through. The inability of people involved in relationships to create intimacy results in the creation of distance. This is the reason why creating intimacy is ...

Tips For a Successful Relationship

Tips For a Successful Relationship   What's the key to a successful relationship? Some say that truly is the “million-dollar” question. Sometimes it's just the simple things that we easily forget or think are unimportant that hold the key to a healthy and happy relationship. Read through the helpful tips below on how to make your relationship go the distance.       Without quality time together, your relationship will not survive. Aim to devote at least half an hour a night, and at least a couple of days a month when the two of you spend time exclusively together.     You both want to feel secure within the relationship. A good relationship is built on compromise and a lot of give and take from both of you.     Often those little things that first attracted you to your partner can turn into nasty annoying habits. Learn to love your partner, warts and all. Don't try to change them into something they're not, after all you fell in love with them ...